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碳纤维材料Carbon Fiber Materials

奥亿达自主生产的碳纤维可用于制造航空航天用复合材料,具有轻量、耐摩擦、耐腐蚀等优异特点。在飞机结构轻量化,离合器,刹车片等领域有着出色的表现。 我们专注于高端碳纤维的研发和生产,立志为航空航天事业做出材料领域领导者应有的贡献!

AYD’s carbon fiber can be used to manufacture composite materials for aerospace, with excellent characteristics such as light weight, abrasion resistance, and corrosion resistance.
It has outstanding performance in aircraft structural lightweighting, clutches, brake pads, and other fields.

We focus on the research and production of high-end carbon fiber and aspire to make the necessary contributions as a leader in the material field for the aerospace industry!