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如切如磋,如琢如磨As precise as cutting and polishing,
as refined as carving and burnishing.

自1860年约瑟夫·斯万用碳化纸丝点燃了人类第一颗白炽灯起,碳材料一直见证引领着人类文明的发展。从新能源汽车到半导体材料,我们的碳材料产品深度参与并推动了行业的进步。Since Joseph Swan ignited the first incandescent light bulb using carbonized paper in 1860, carbon materials have been witnessing and leading the development of our civilization. From sustainable energy to semiconductor materials, our carbon-based products have deeply participated in and promoted the development of industries.

作为从原材料到最终产品的全产业链一体化科技企业,奥亿达不仅是客户需求的方案解决者,更是科技行业变革的深度参与者和推动者。我们坚信,将科技和创造力应用于碳材料的制造中,是奥亿达为客户提供先进解决方案的核心动力。As a fully integrated technology enterprise that manufactures from raw materials to final products, Aoyida Advanced Materials (AYD) is not only a solution provider for customers, but also a deeply involved promoter of the industry. We firmly believe that applying technology and creativity to the entire industry chain of carbon fiber products is the core driving force for AYD to provide advanced solutions to customers.

如碳般自然成器,大巧若拙,奥亿达期待并时刻准备着迎接新一次科技革命的到来。Like carbon, naturally formed and skillfully crafted, AYD looks forward to and is always prepared to embrace the arrival of a new technological revolution.


  • 32专利
  • 15发明专利
  • 12软件著作权
  • ISO9001:2018质量管理体系认证
  • 国家级专精特新小巨人企业
  • 国家级高新技术企业
  • 辽宁省瞪羚企业、雏鹰企业
  • 鞍山市科学技术进步一等奖